
Happy Valentine's Day


A Pharmacist accidentally discovers a tribal ritual remedy that helps grow thicker, fuller & stronger hair
Hereby hangs a tale, in fact a “hair-raising” tale. It is steeped in the mystery of South Africa and has a happy ending. This story could make a real difference to your hair and your life. But first of all, lets meet Lou Segal, to whom this tale happened, and who made things happen. A pharmacist who now makes his home in beautiful Vanvouver, Canada, Mr Segal had made it one of his major concerns to find a solution to the annoying problem of dandruff, hair loss & thinning hair. Many of his clients at his pharmacy, then in Cape Town, South Africa, were afflicted by dandruff as well as hair loss & thinning hair. These hair condition is particularly prevalent in that part of the world due to the climatic conditions.
Was it mere chance that led Lou Segal to East Africa on a vacation, or did destiny have a hand in bringing him smack up against a milestone in his career? Whatever the case may have been, his vacation soon developed into a regular business holiday when he became aware of an odd phenomenon: the native peoples of that region had beautiful hair! Luxurious, thick and shiny, it contrasted sharply with the brittle, dry growth that covered the heads of the tribe’s racial counterparts in South Africa- people from the same race, yet with hair so different. His curiosity thoroughly piqued, Lou Segal set out to investigate. What he found astonished and delighted him.
“Quite simple, the people of this community were giving themselves a highly effective “beauty treatment” without being the least aware of it. In preparing for certain tribal rituals, they applied a milky-like substance to their scalp and skin. This herbal concoction was probably less potent of controlling occult forces that in its healing and restorative properties”, Mr Segal explained later. Since most of us are romantic at heart, it doesn’t hurt to believe in a little magic. even when a large dollop of scientific expertise goes into the making of the Scalp Formula. As a chemist, Lou Segal had access to all he latest research data: as a naturalist he was fortunate to discover a secret of the plant life of East Africa. Thus, with the full cooperation of members of the medical profession, he set about achieving a blend of. But that is not the whole story. Mr. Segal gave the herbal remedy to his Cape Town customers to use as a dandruff lotion. He was incredulous when customers who had used his products for a period of time not only found that their dandruff had dissapeared but that new hair growth had developed. Skeptical though he was, Lou Segal could not deny the irrefutable evidence before his eyes.
Because of the tenuous political situation in South Africa, the Segals moved to Vancouver, Canada, where son Darryl Segal, along with his father Lou, started up again. Re qualifying as a Pharmacist, Darryl spent is entire career researching and enhancing his fathers original formulations with the latest in hair care technology. Today, these products are the most complete & comprehensive blend of natural ingredients on the market. Darryl even wrote a book on the subject, called Hair Loss: How to prevent & reverse hair loss & thinning hair. As Darryl says, “You need to take every step you can to have the very best hair possible.